We Deliver Professional Service Solutions

Sentinel Four is a professional services company providing Financial Management Services to clients in California’s Self Determination Program.

providing resources necessary to navigate successfully

At Sentinel Four, we believe in the power of clear communication and efficient processes. We invite you to reach out to our dedicated team for any assistance or clarification.

Bill Payer Model

In the Bill Payer model, the Financial Management Service provider assists the participant in managing their bills and expenses. This model is often used with budgeting and paying bills but do not need support staff.


The participant and the FMS provider share the responsibilities of being the employer of record for the participant’s support staff. The participant retains control over hiring, training, and supervising their support staff.


The participant is responsible for hiring, training, supervising, and managing all aspects of their support staff, including payroll processing, tax withholding, and compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Philosophy of Empowerment

grounded in the philosophy of empowerment

The Self-Determination Program is grounded in the philosophy of empowerment and self-direction. It recognizes the importance of allowing individuals with developmental disabilities to have a greater say in decisions that impact their lives.


Independent Service Providers

Selection of Service Providers

Individuals enrolled in the Self-Determination Program have the flexibility to choose their service providers. This allows for a more customized approach to receiving services and supports, aligning with the participant’s preferences and goals.